Ordering from China for the first time
Sourcing from China for the first time can be a daunting experience.
There are many cultural and language differences as well as huge differences in business mindsets. These combined issues can put you on the back foot from the start and put the supplier at a much more advantageous position.
This can easily negatively affect the result of your negotiations, both in terms of price and product quality.
Consider appointing an agent for you in China, who has local knowledge, experience and connections that can put you at an advantage over your new suppliers and your competition.
For a more detailed look at sourcing from China, take a look at some of our earlier articles, including:
Developing your products with existing Chinese manufacturers
How to control your China production more: Part 1
How to control your China production more: Part 2
How to increase your influence over China manufacturers: Part 1
How to increase your influence over China manufacturers: Part 2
Dealing with Small Factories in China: Pros and Cons
Dealing with Chinese Factories – Can they produce your entire order in-house?