ETP has a database of over 3000 suppliers worldwide that have been reported for fraud and mishandling of orders.

We are constantly updating our database compiled from numerous internet sources, our own performed background checks & audits and contributions from our customers and visitors.


Fill out the form below with your basic supplier information.
We will email you soon and let you know if they are in our blacklist database ABSOLUTELY FREE.

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Important Notice:
Many frauds, scams and mishandled orders go unreported.

Exclusion from the Panda Blacklist does not necessarily prove a factory has been certified as safe or trustworthy.

To request a product quote from one of our trusted factories, contact ETP at any time.

ETP only works with factories we have personally visited and approved.

To request a full background check and audit of your chosen supplier, contact us now for a free competitive quote.

Privacy Policy:
We never EVER share your information with a third party.

For your protection and peace of mind, ETP is happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement at any time.

If you are not comfortable sending your information through our website, we are more than happy to schedule a phone or Skype call.


China Tel: +86 (0)10 64163522

Skype: enter_the_panda